How does culture impact performance?

95 %

of employees say that culture is more important than compensation (Bersin 2015)

88 %

of companies say that their culture is strategically important to their future (Deloitte 2012)

62 %

of millennials said they want a career with social impact and purpose (Deloitte 2019)

30 %

A strong company culture can improve a company’s performance by as much as 30% (Kotter & Heskett @ Harvard 2019)

Recruiting the best person for the role is hard... but when you get it right you can reap huge rewards


of employers say they have

hired the wrong person for a



High-performers have been estimated

to be four times as productive

compared with other workers


of the employers surveyed estimated

that a bad hire cost the business

at least $25,000


of a business’s profits are generated

by high-performers and

attract other star employees

(Career Builder Survey 2012 & 2016, Bain & Co 2013, Harvard Research 2014)

Recruiting for growth mindset to drive current and future performance

“If you hire people who are naturally curious, and maximize the fit between their interests and the role they are in, you will not have to worry so much about their willingness to learn or be on their case to unlock their curiosity.”

(Chamorro-Premuzic & Bersin 2018, McKinsey 2020)

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Making it Easier to Recruit the Right People

The Mindset Advantage diagnostic provides a unique growth mindset profile for external candidates and internal employees, with recommended questions and areas to probe

  • Equip recruiters and managers with the ability to hire people with a growth mindset to drive high performance
  • Accelerate recruiting with easier preparation and interviewing
  • Gain robust evidence to aid shortlisting, selection and stakeholder discussions
  • Provide candidates with an engaging and powerful recruitment experience
  • Reinforce growth mindset across your organisation with an aligned recruitment strategy and approach

Mindset Advantage

Mindset Advantage – Recruiter Report Includes Personalised Interview Guide

Line Chart Candidate Recruitment Profile

Example Questions Candidate Recruitment Profile

Example Additional Questions Candidate Recruitment Profile

Get in touch with us to find out more

To enquire about our Candidate Recruitment Profiles, please contact the Matthew Syed Consulting team.

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